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database auditの例文


  • Logging services allow for a forensic database audit later by keeping a record of access occurrences and changes.
  • In addition to using external tools for monitoring or auditing, native database audit capabilities are also available for many database platforms.
  • The company's products have expanded to include a broader suite of database security offerings, including database audit and vulnerability assessment as well.
  • These systems can provide a comprehensive database audit trail in addition to the intrusion detection mechanisms, and some systems can also provide protection by terminating user sessions and / or quarantining users demonstrating suspicious behavior.
  • Database event aggregation, correlation and reporting provide a database audit capability without the need to enable native database audit functions ( which become resource-intensive as the level of auditing is increased ) . 
  • Database event aggregation, correlation and reporting provide a database audit capability without the need to enable native database audit functions ( which become resource-intensive as the level of auditing is increased ) . 
  • Their PICs provide for : open registration policies; geographic names protections; frequent Whois database audits; establishment of a Domains Protected Marks List ( DPML ); establishment of a claims notification service for additional trademark protection; binding registrants to terms of use that define abusive behavior; reservation of the right to exclude non-compliant registrars from distribution; reserve the right to suspend, cancel, or otherwise take control of names that are suspected or proven of being involved in abusive activities; and maintaining a clear, singular point of contact for all abuse related correspondence.